Micro Scooter: 3 Reasons Your Child Needs One!
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We bought Mia a scooter for Christmas a few years ago, so she was around 4 years old. She had been badgering us for one for a while and we decided Christmas would be an ideal time to get one (as we are always out in the cold weather scootering around?!). Anyway, she loved it but we didn’t spend a huge amount of money on it and so it ended up being a bit rubbish. Mia has never managed to scooter very far and found the steering really awkward which resulted in her only being on it for 5 minutes or so and us carrying it the rest of the time! Once she got a bike last Christmas, the scooter was long forgotten in the garage!
I was recently asked if we would like to try out a Micro Scooter and as we had pretty much failed with Mia’s previously, I wondered if she would do better on a proper scooter! We were sent the Micro Scooter Mini Deluxe in purple which just happens to be Mia’s favourite colour at the moment, so we were winning already!
Micro Scooter
Swiss made and built to last, the Micro Scooter felt really good quality as soon as I opened up the box. A decent weight and well made, the scooter is very easy to put together despite the sudden panic I felt when I saw the Allen keys (we didn’t actual need to use them). You literally click the handle in and away you go!
Easy to adjust handle
It’s really easy to adjust the handle height by pulling the lever and pushing the handle down or pulling it up depending on how high you need it for your child to use comfortably. The footplate is anti-slip and despite Mia’s clumsiness, she hasn’t slipped off it yet!
Steer and Lean system
The scooter has really good handling with its steer and lean system, as Mia just has to lean to either side to steer, something she really struggled with on her previous scooter as the steering was awful and she was really excited to see she had a brake too!
Wheel positioning
The Micro Scooter is really easy to use, and Mia was away in seconds after stepping on it for the very first time. It handles well, is easy to steer and is weighty enough for Mia to be actually able to use it properly! Another great thing is the positioning of the wheels; they are positioned so as to be easy to ride, wide enough to keep the scooter upright but slimline so that Mia can easily push herself along on it without catching her foot.
The Micro Scooter Mini Deluxe is currently on sale for around £90 and I have to say, it’s definitely worth it! I would never buy a cheap scooter again and will be buying one for Lottie once she’s big enough (and at least walking!). Scooters are a really easy way to keep your child active outdoors as well as having fun and Mia absolutely loves her new scooter. With its easy use and bright colouring, it now comes everywhere with us. However, this time, she rides it the whole time and we don’t have to carry it around for her!

I’ve had my eye on these for a while. Lily had a great one as a toddler and then the new one is just too awkward for her! She is 4 and at school but still too small for her new one so I’m wondering whether these are better on the rickety pavements between school and home!!
Becca Farrelly
Oh yes these might be perfect for her then. Mia was absolutely useless at other scooters but this one is far more stable, has some give over harder ground and is far easier for her to control! 🙂