
‘I make home & family organisation easier for busy stay at home mums’



Hello, I’m Becca!

I write this home and family blog all about my families lives and how we organise our day to day comings and goings here in the city of Nottingham!


Mario (my partner) is a huge family man who absolutely adores the girls! He is my partner in crime and is always there when I need to lean on him. He’s the one who started this blog for me in 2014 and the one who loves it when I bring him gizmo’s and gadgets we have been sent to try out! He also blogs over at Mario’s Blog if you want to check him out!


Born in 2013, Mia is our eldest and definitely the most stubborn (we blame her Italian genes!). Very girly, never stops talking and a bit too sensitive but she’s a very loving, caring little girl and is always ‘best friends’ with everyone she meets!


Then there’s Lottie. Born in 2018 she may be the littlest, but she has the biggest personality of us all! A diva in the making but seriously cute at times, you definitely know she’s in the room! Never short of cuddles and very, very loving she will have you ‘on-side’ in no time!

My Story

In 2014 we started off as a parenting blog all about my experiences of being a first-time mum and we were called ‘mummydaddymia’ back then. However, although I loved writing about all things parenting and child related, when Lottie came along in 2018, I found my life going down a different path than I had imagined it would.

I loved being a mum to one and although the choice to have another child wasn’t simple, it was fairly easy for us. When she came along, I didn’t find it as simple as I thought it would be. I thought she would just slip into our lives and I would carry on doing all the things I did before with Mia. Instead I found myself really struggling and I just wasn’t coping at all. Mario went back to work 3 days after Lottie was born and his job takes him away pretty much all week, most weeks. It all came to a head when Lottie was 6 months old and I completely lost the plot with Mario one day, he showed me that I needed help and that’s when I started talking a bit more about how I was feeling. I just wasn’t ‘right’.

In order to feel like I was coping with having a 5-year-old at school and a new-born, I came up with a really rigid schedule that I just couldn’t keep to. So, each night I was going to bed ‘failing’ or thinking that I was ‘failing’ at everything. Once Lottie hit 9 months, I began to re-evaluate my schedule and devised a new, less demanding one. We are very organised, and every day has its own schedule however it works for me and I no longer go to bed at night thinking I have failed myself and my family.

My aim is to help those mums who are struggling to just get through the day, can’t see the way through it, and need a bit of a hand organising their own daily lives.


More About Me


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Contact me

If you would like to get in touch, you can email me at or find us on social media (links at the top of the page).


  • Sue Gale

    I have had a Beet scales for some years, however I just got a new iPhone and the app is no longer available. I tried emailing but got undeliverable.

    How can I get the app again?

    Cheers Sue

  • Sam

    Hi Becca,

    I tried to reach you and placed an order but I got a message stating that it can’t be delivered because your inbox is full.
    Please assist. I need to get those orders please?

    Thank you!

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