
How to Give Your Space New Summer Vibes

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The summer has come knocking, and not a moment too soon. With all the gloomy news of endless rain and cold to come, the bask-friendly warmth of the new summer sun is a real tonic – and a sign of a beautiful summer to come. This is the perfect time to get the house ready for a season of sunshine and sociability – but what can you do to make your home feel as summery as you do?


Colour is Key

The first step in landing on your summer style is to pick out your colours. Colour is fundamentally important to the vibe of a given room, and the choices you make here can make profound differences as to the feel of the end result. Greens are a natural choice for summer vibes, reflecting the full-bloom greenery of the outside world in the summer months; bright yellows and burnt oranges are also great options for feature walls or offsetting other more muted tones.

Everything in Harmony

Of course, there is more to a summer space than colour. Creating a refreshing vibe throughout your house is also a matter of finding harmony, wherein the different aspects of your home’s design fall in with one another. Things match, or contrast, in a measured and deliberate way – giving you a cohesive home that exudes summer. You might start by setting the stage for similar furnishings, with pale softwoods like pine serving to brighten spaces. But there are less-travelled roads to consider, too.

For instance, we often overlook radiators as key elements in interior space design. They are functional first, yes, but they can also have a major impact on the feel of a space – and a positive one, too, if you let them. What we mean here is that radiators can come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, which can be used to harmonise with your décor choices elsewhere; a designer unit could match or contrast the colours of your walls, and take on a form more fitting for your design conceit (be it old, cast-iron and industrial or thin, sleek and thoroughly modern).

Finishing Touches

With colour and major fixture decisions all covered, there’s little left to do but put together your finishing touches. Don’t get complacent here though, as the final additions to each space are often the most important – being the pieces that tie everything together, and truly accentuate the ‘summer’ness of your home.

A huge case in point here is that of plants. Houseplants and shrubs bring the outside in, and bring a vibrant verdancy to rooms. With the right layering, they can make shelves and other furnishings feel bedded-in, and create a completely natural feel. Bear this effect in mind when choosing other furnishings, art and knick-knacks with which to finish your home!

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