16 Week Bump Update!
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Welcome to our 16 week bump update! The last month has been really interesting as it’s been really funny to compare this pregnancy with our 1st one and see how similar it is. So far they have been pretty similar, with me going off food quite early on and then towards the 16 week mark, the acid reflux has crept in! My bump is still fairly small as it was with Mia which I’m happy about as I was worried I would be huge this time round!

3rd July: So this weekend has been really busy but a lovely one! Mia went to mums for a few days so I had chance to get loads of bits and bobs done that I wouldn’t normally get done and actually had a chance to sit down and watch a couple of films too! Feeling like my tummy is getting a bit bigger although no one has noticed yet but I’m struggling to get my favourite skirt buttoned up and I had to stop wearing my jeans a couple of weeks ago as they were digging into me and making the nausea worse! I think I might have to start thinking about maternity clothes very soon!
10th July: This weekend has been so busy! The weeks are just flying by and I can’t believe we are nearly mid-July already! The sun is shining and although we are all struggling at night time, it’s lovely to see the sun! We went to Buxton Carnival on Saturday and it was such a long day with lots of walking however we had a great time and I managed to make it to 9pm before falling asleep! The only thing I’m finding tricky is the tiredness and I keep forgetting I have to slow it down a bit!
16th July: So this weekend my mum and my step-dad have taken Mia away to Skegness for a few days and Mario and I are enjoying some quiet time together. We have had a busy couple of days as we did some shopping and planning yesterday and today drove out to Buxton (a place of huge sentimental value for me!) and had a lovely walk in the sunshine and a meal in a hidden gem of a pub! It’s been fab but is the beginning of Mario being away all week again as he starts his new job tomorrow as a fully-fledged contractor! Change is coming! I’m looking forward to picking Mia up tomorrow from mums and finding out about all the fun she has had in Skegness!
24th July: I have been struggling the last couple of weeks keeping food down which is more annoying than anything I think! I love my food and have been ‘off’ it since I fell pregnant just like with Mia however it’s still not nice when I come to eat dinner in the evenings and I just don’t want anything! I’m finding eating little and often definitely the way forward!
27th July: So today has been the start of the dreaded acid reflux! I had forgotten how horrible it is when I had it with Mia and its kept me awake the last 2 nights now! Thankfully I had bought some Gaviscon so that has helped massively! I think eating later on is definitely a bad idea!
So that’s our 16 week bump update! The weeks are flying by and we are thinking about booking to go for an extra scan as we didn’t do this when we were pregnant with Mia and it’s something we had fancied doing. Look out for our bump update next month!