Choosing the Right Maternity Clothes for Your Bump
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Maternity wear is always a tricky one; whilst really expensive, you typically don’t wear it for long and if you are like me and end up ‘carrying well’, you will be in it for even less time! When pregnant with Mia I bought the bare essentials as I worked up until 2 weeks before her birth which meant I had a few tops and 2 basic black bottoms that were fine for working at school every day in. I then had an expensive black lace maternity dress for over the Christmas period (I wore it twice!).

However this time round, I’m home all day so I would like some more interesting clothing and will obviously need a few different outfits than I did before. I still have my old maternity clothes but now I want to add a few other bits to my collection. Here are a few tips on what I have found work for me:
Stick to the basics: I have 4 plain vest tops already from last time, 1 pair of black jeans and 1 pair of loose fitting trousers which are ridiculously comfy! The jeans are under bump and I don’t find them particularly comfy so this time I’m going for over bump blue skinny jeans as I live in skinny jeans most of the time and an over bump denim skirt as I also wear skirts a lot. I have also decided to buy 2 ‘going-out’ tops so if I’m nipping into town or going for a meal, I have a couple of nicer tops to wear! A great pair of maternity leggings will also be being purchased!
Use tops to mix and match your outfits: I get so warm when not pregnant that during pregnancy I’m literally like a furnace all of the time so for me vest tops work really well and then I can stick one of my ‘normal’ cardigans on over the top and even team them with one of my nice patterned scarves when it’s a bit cooler.
What size to choose: I’m lucky in that with Mia and seemingly with this baby, I haven’t piled on the weight and I’m mostly baby so for me, buying my normal size clothes works fine. With maternity clothes being that little bit more stretchy and over bump clothes even stretchier still, I haven’t had to buy larger sizes than usual which is useful for immediately after baby is born.
Invest in a bump band: I really like bump bands and I have 2 from last time that I plan on using this time round. I find they create a nicer shape under my clothes whilst making my bump feel snug and comfortable at the same time. I recommend them to everyone for a little extra support.
So there are some of the key pieces I will be choosing this time (in fact I have ordered them ready to arrive this week!) and some quick tips for anyone unsure of what choices they have. I had no clue last time I was pregnant so it’s nice to have a bit more of an idea this time! For me comfort will always be key however it’s nice to feel like you look half decent at the same time!