
How To Design A Great Playroom

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If you have the space, letting your kids have a playroom can be a fantastic way to give them a little independence, to keep your home as tidy as possible, and to ensure they have a creative, fun space to enjoy. There are so many different options that you could consider that it can be hard to make a choice, and the issue with this is that you might rush into things and regret your design decisions, or you might do nothing at all, which would leave everyone with nowhere to go. With that in mind, we’ve put together some great ideas about how to design a playroom so you’ve got a place to start. Read on to find out more. 

Photo by cottonbro studio

Flooring Options 

One of the most important elements to get right when you’re designing a playroom is the flooring. You might assume you could just put down a nice carpet, but would that make the most sense? It is going to depend on what activities will take place in the room, so think carefully before committing to any particular design.  

For example, if your children art into arts and crafts, a floor that you can easily clean and that won’t stain if paint or glue is spilled on it would be best – tiles or laminate flooring might work well. If the children are going to eat in the room, the same thing should be considered. If, however, they are just going to read, do homework, watch TV, or play with their toys, a carpet might be fine after all. 

Window Shutters 

The last thing you want when you are designing a playroom is for your children not to want to use it when it is ready. One reason they might not like the room is if it is dark and dreary – it won’t feel comfortable, and they will probably prefer to spend time in their bedrooms or in the living room, even after you’ve put a lot of effort into the room itself. 

You’ll need to paint the room a light colour, and the furniture should be light too, but none of this will be as important as letting in as much natural light as possible. If you can do this, the room will feel cosy and comfortable and will be a place the children are happy to spend time in. One option you have is to install UK made shutter blinds instead of curtains. Because these window treatments take up less space, they don’t encroach so much on the windows, so you’ll get the benefit of as much light as possible. 

Make It Safe 

You can choose any theme or style of decor you want for your playroom design, but no matter what you choose, you need to ensure that the room is a safe place for your children to be. Even if you intend to be there with them (for example, if they are toddlers and can’t be left alone), accidents can happen quickly, and it’s best to make the room safe rather than risk injury. 

Make sure the furniture you choose has no sharp edges and cover outlets with specially designed guards – this will prevent children from putting their fingers anywhere near electricity. You can also use safety gates to keep small children in the room where you know they are safe.

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