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How to Rent your Airbnb to Walkers this Summer

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Renting your home on Airbnb can be a great way to earn extra income, especially if you live in a location popular among walkers. Here’s how you can optimise your home to appeal to this specific group of travellers.


1. Highlight Local Walking Routes

Walkers often choose accommodations based on proximity to scenic routes or notable hiking trails. Include detailed information about walking paths, their difficulty levels, and what visitors might see along the way. Adding maps and personal recommendations in your welcome book can enhance their experience.

2. Provide Walking Essentials

Equip your home with amenities that will appeal to walkers. This might include comfortable shoe orthotics, walking sticks, reusable water bottles, backpacks, and local wildlife guides. Also, consider offering a space for boot cleaning and storage to make it convenient for guests to manage their gear.

3. Create a Comfortable Resting Space

After a long day of walking, your guests will appreciate a cozy place to relax. Invest in good quality beds and bedding, provide plenty of cushions, and consider a designated area for relaxation like a reading nook or a patio with a view.

4. Offer Flexible Check-in and Check-out Times

Walkers may prefer to start their treks early in the morning or return later in the evening. Flexible check-in and check-out times can be a significant convenience for them, making your Airbnb more appealing.

5. Market Your Airbnb Appropriately

In your listing, make sure to SEO it by specifically mentioning that your home is walker-friendly and highlight all the tailored amenities you offer. Airbnb SEO will help your page rank better in search engines and gets more views and interest. Use photographs that show the beauty of the nearby landscapes and any walking-related amenities you provide.

6. Provide Local Weather Information

Since walking is an outdoor activity, weather can greatly affect plans. Equip your Airbnb with weather station information, updates, or even a simple daily weather board that you update for guests.

7. Encourage Sustainable Practices

Many walkers are environmentally conscious. Encourage recycling, provide clearly marked bins, and use eco-friendly products in your home. Offering a place for guests to clean and dry reusable items like water bottles and clothing can also be a thoughtful touch.

8. Get Feedback and Improve

After your guests depart, ask them for feedback specifically about the walking-related aspects of their stay. This insight can help you make improvements and tailor your offerings even more closely to their needs.

By focusing on these details, you can create a welcoming and functional space for walkers that stands out on Airbnb. Not only will your guests have a more enjoyable and convenient experience, but you’ll likely see more bookings as a result of your thoughtful preparations.

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