Mia’s 8th Birthday – Lockdown Birthday #2
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Can you believe that we are again celebrating Mia’s birthday during lockdown restrictions?! I thought after having to cancel her birthday party last year, we would be able to do something for her 8th birthday this year but no, it wasn’t to be!

So, Mia turned 8 and it was a bit harder this year to explain to her why she couldn’t have any friends for a big party like she usually does. Last year we were constantly telling her (rightly or wrongly) that she could have a party this year but under the current restrictions we just couldn’t do anything. We did arrange for my mum to come over with my nan and sit in the garden as we were able to do that under the rule of 6 outdoors. It also helped that mum, nan and Mario have all had their 2nd vaccines over 3 weeks ago too.
I ordered her some amazing Fortnite balloons from our usual balloons place. I also decided that since she couldn’t have a party again this year, I would order her a cake to be made. We had a deposit from 2 years ago still on a cake, so we ordered it this year in the end. We went for a Roblox one as Mia’s really into gaming!

For Mia’s main part of the day, we created an outdoor cinema for her in the garden! We were going to rent one from a company locally but they were fully booked up so we actually bought everything ourselves and it was quite cheap to do! She loved it!

We also ordered her some nice presents (I used Amazon this time) and used her Christmas gift list as there’s a lot on there she didn’t get for Christmas in the end. She was so happy! The last thing we did was take her to Smyths Toy Store where she could pick another present from us, we got Lottie a present for finishing potty training (thank goodness!) and then Mia used her birthday money to buy something she had been saving up for – the Roblox Adopt Me playset!
How do you make your children’s lockdown birthday special?