Mummy Daddy Mia: Is 1 child enough for us?
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So this is a post I started writing quite a while ago in an attempt to get my thoughts and feelings down about whether or not we would have another child. A lot has happened in between and I will be writing another update very soon!
We always wanted children, we knew very early on in our relationship that we were completely on the same page as each other and whether or not that is to do with us being friends for 5 years before we dated, it was so nice to ‘meet’ someone that wanted exactly the same as me out of life.
We worked really hard for a long time to be in a position where we were ready for a child and we planned having Mia down to the Easter term I was going to leave work ready to have her (which we did!). However we have always known that we would most probably have another baby once Mia reached a certain age and it made sense to us to wait until she started school which is this September coming.
Whilst I was pregnant with Mia I started Mummy Daddy Mia as a place to write down my feelings of being a first time parent and I have been writing ever since!I really don’t like the thought of having another baby but I really don’t believe Mia will be an only child and we both know she will make an amazing big sister when the time comes!
Over the last few months we have been going back and forth over when will be the right time to start trying. We took the plunge, packed everything up, found a great removals company and moved to a bigger house in December so now we have a spare bedroom and with Mia starting school it makes sense for me to go back to work so it’s a really difficult decision to make. Do I go back to work and earn some money allowing Mario to ‘relax’ slightly in his work or do we start the whole baby ‘process’ again knowing we won’t have any extra income for another 5 years?
The other thing that we talked about when we were trying to come to a decision was the fact that I struggle with confidence and although I absolutely love my job, I’m genuinely anxious about stepping back into work.
Am I going to fit in now, am I going to enjoy it as much as I did before having Mia, am I going to be able to physically juggle everything I do at home now and looking after my family as well as going to work every day?
I want us to have more money to do more things with, I want Mario to have the opportunity to take some pressure off himself and I want to feel like I ‘contribute’ something to the household pot but at the same time I also want to be there for Mia to take her to school and pick her up as well as do things with her in the school holidays.
Now I know Mario and I are the world’s best over thinkers but this kind of decision has such an impact on everything we do and the life we live that it’s something we can’t just do on a whim and since we planned Mia with military precision, why not do the same second time round?!
Well as of 3rd April we have finally come to a decision, I’m going to stop taking the pill and we are officially going to try for a baby! However, we won’t put ourselves under too much pressure and if it gets to September with no sign of being pregnant, then I will go back to work and we will go from there. Either way we are both happy we have made a decision and will be happy whatever happens and it marks the start of an exciting new chapter in our lives!
Mummy Daddy Mia