FitBit Flex – Wearable Tech
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Updated 2016
I acquired a Fitbit Flex after Mario bought one (for himself!) over 2 years ago. I wanted to track my sleep each night with it as I have difficulty getting a full night’s sleep due to slight breathing problems and generally being a light sleeper! So initially I liked the idea of seeing just how often I was awake at night over a period of a week.
After a couple of nights use and some interesting data records, I decided to try out the Fitbit’s other features and quickly discovered that I was becoming addicted to it! I thought that I would find it annoying having something on my wrist all day everyday as I didn’t wear a watch at the time but it’s amazing how quickly you get used to it. Now I wear a watch so I wear my Fitbit either next to it or on my ankle (your not supposed to but I found it more accurate when pushing Mia’s buggy).
I track everything on it; my length and quality of sleep each night, amount of steps taken each day, water intake, and calorie intake and it’s fair to say, it’s become a slight obsession of mine! I have now been using it properly for over 2 years to help me understand my eating habits and to control my weight. I pair my Fitbit with the ‘MyFitnessPal’ iPhone app which I use to keep my daily food diary and then the Fitbit iPhone app (once set up with my information) calculates how many calories I can consume in a day, how many calories I have burnt by exercising, and how many calories I have left (or not!).
It’s a really easy gadget to set up from the word go and settings can be changed as you go along. All you need to input is your height, weight, how much you want to lose (if any), and how quickly you want to lose it. Fitbit does all of the calculations for you and as it syncs when near your phone via the app or laptop on the dashboard, it updates over the day to tell you how you’re getting on.
I find that it syncs really well and I open up the app on my phone at least 3 times a day to keep track of how I’m getting on. It’s amazing how quickly you get addicted to meeting your goals, I have my steps set at 7000 a day, water intake at 8 glasses a day, and I aim to lose 1lb a week (Fitbit helps you set your goals through the app). It also keeps its charge for about 5 days for me, I don’t tend to look at the lights on the Fitbit Flex as I always have my phone handy so the battery does last a bit longer than if you were checking the Fitbit itself, however when it does run out, it only takes about an hour or so to fully charge again using your laptops USB port so I normally pick a time in the evening when I’m going to be sat down so I don’t lose any steps!
When I go to bed, it’s just a quick double tap to put it into sleep mode where it tracks how much I’m awake and asleep during the night. I find that the only problem with this is that it records me when I’m awake as only ‘restless’ most of the time but that doesn’t really matter to me as I just need a vague idea.
You can also change what is recorded and what is shown on the app front screen really easily by going to the app settings or the Fitbit dashboard on the laptop. At first it took me a while to get the hang of tracking my calories as Fitbit works out your daily calories using the amount of exercise you do over the whole day and what it presumes you will do so I found that by the end of the day I was always over my allowance, however when I was going through the settings one day I realised I didn’t have it on the right one for me. I like to input my breakfast, lunch and dinner before I have them so I can see what I need to burn off and how many calories I have left for snacks throughout the day so once I had changed my settings to ‘earning calories back’ I don’t go over my calories as much, unless I want to!
All in all, I love my Fitbit! I use it all day every day, it’s a brilliant way to track all my calories and a great help in working towards losing weight. I would be so lost without it and I recommend one to everyone who wants to track their calories, exercise, steps, or sleep!
If you’re looking for a fitness tracker specifically for children, head over to my smartwatch post for more info!
Update: My Fitbit is still going strong and I never take it off! It has helped me reach my weight loss goals and I have now lost nearly a stone and a half through eating a bit less, and making sure I do my 7000 steps a day! If you want to read all about my Diet Challenge you can read it here!
I’m also doing a comparison of various wearable fitness technology and you can read my Moov Now fitness tracker review and my TomTom Spark review to find out more!

Jenny (Accidental Hipster Mum)
I loved my Fitbit but I lost it, seeing this makes me want a new one! It definitely made me move more when I had one!
Oh no! I would hate to lose mine. Its been a permanent fixture on my arm for almost 3 years! 🙂
Cee Arr
Glad you like your fitbit.
I have to admit – putting that level of detail and sharing that much of my life with tech is just too far out of my comfort zone (I know, I know – says a blogger! Lol.)
You can pick and choose what info you put in, I don’t track all of my food intake anymore but love counting my steps! 🙂
Emma (Upside Mum)
A few of my friends have these. Didn’t realise it did so much. Must have a closer look! #bloggerclubuk
I love mine so much! I would hate for it to break I have it so long now 🙂
mummy and monkeys
I’ve wanted one of these for ages, I didn’t know you could earn points on it. It would be really interesting to see my lack of sleep! Thanks for linking to #PickNMix
I love my Fitbit, I think they are great and I have tried quite a few recently! The points are awarded on the website Bounts and is really easy to use 🙂
Great review I LOVE my Fitbit, had it a year now and wear it every day, although I take it off at night x #PickNMix
They are amazing aren’t they?! I have had mine 3 years now, I literally only take it off to shower! 🙂
Oh, I didn’t know it monitored sleep. We have sleep issues in our household so that might be helpful! Thanks for the review. #picknmix
Yes they really are great! I’m looking for an upgrade now as my Flex is 3yrs old now 🙂
Something Crunchy Mummy
Great review. I love my Fitbit. Thank you for linking up to #justanotherlinky xx
Aww they are great aren’t they! Don’t know where I would be without mine now 🙂
Kate Holmes
I love it when reviews are just someone saying they adore a product without payment or review product. These things are great. Sadly I lost mine recently but am saving up for another and I too like to take it off when showering
Aww thank you! Yes for me, my blog is about talking about brands I love and not just newly discovered brands who send me products to review. That’s a shame you lost your fitbit, I don’t know what I would do without mine! 🙂
Mummy's Blog
I have one of these and in some ways I love it, but I have been SO unlucky with mine, it just keeps breaking! Fitbit are really good though and have replaced it – about 10 times so far – lol! x
Oh no! I haven’t had any issues *touch wood!* but I have heard they are brilliant at replacing them (10 times is a bit much though!) 🙂
Congratulations on the weight loss that is great news! I have heard so many good things about the FitBit – great to hear its working well for you.
Thank you for linking up to #KCACOLS and I hope to see you back again on sunday x
Aww thank you, I recommend them to everyone! 🙂
Laura @ Dot Makes 4
I love my Fitbit flex too! I’ve only had it for a few weeks, but I do whatever I can to get my steps!
I don’t monitor my sleep though as with a little one, I’m grateful for even a few hours!
Its amazing how much it spurs you on to get those extra steps! I’m often marching on the spot at 11pm trying to get them in before bedtime! 🙂
Sara at Handy Herbs
This review has made me want one even more than I thought – it looks fab! Well done for reaching your weight goals! 🙂 #KCACOLS
Ahh they are great! I still use my every single day so I definitely got my moneys worth! 🙂
Fi - Beauty Baby and Me
I am very very tempted to get one of these as I am on a mission to get fit after having my baby! Thanks for such a handy post xx #KCACOLS
Aww they are great and I recommend them to everyone as they are a great little reminder to keep on track! 🙂
I would love to have a fitbit. I know my daily activity is below what it should be and I think somehing like this would guilt me into getting up and about more lol. Thanks for linking up with #sundaystars x
Ahh yes it definitely makes me ‘jog on the spot’ in the evening when I haven’t got my steps in!! I wouldn’t be without mine now 🙂
Mini Travellers/Mini Ventures
I’ve never really thought I needed one but I think if I did get one I could get seriously addicted too. I’d like to try the sleep thing paticularly. Thanks for linking up to the first #sundaystars of 2016. Hope to see you next week.
They are great, I have used mine for 2yrs now and I track everything. The sleep function is really useful 🙂
Honest Mum
I totally want one of these now x
Oh they are so addictive! Mines still going after 2yrs and I use it 24/7! 🙂
tracey bowden
I really want one of these and this had made me want one even more! Great review 🙂
I like how you can track and programme it for so many different things I Think it would really help me stay on track with my weight loss goals
They are great, I have used mine for 2 years now and I love it! You can track food, sleep, weight, steps, etc… which is all I want to track. I wouldn’t have been able to lose the weight I have without it I don’t think! 🙂
Kate Fever (@FamilyFever)
I really want a FitBit! Every review I read makes me want one more. Might see if I can convice the hubby to get me one for Christmas. Thanks for linking up with #TriedTested
Ahh they are more than worth it! Iam addicted and it’s made such a difference to me. You can get some good deals normally at Argos 🙂