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Is False Accusation Ruining Your Relationship? Here’s What To Do

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“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” – Lao-Tzu.

Love is often associated with romance, flowers, fairy tales, and more. However, there are always two sides to the coin. Sometimes, when life puts you in difficult situations, such as being falsely accused of sexual misconduct, it affects your once healthy relationship. Even if you are innocent, it may create suspicion in your partner’s mind leading to fights. Additionally, it can affect your reputation, causing distress and trauma.

Obviously, you don’t want such allegations ruining your relationship. It is important that you and your partner understand the situation and work together as a team to fight for the right thing and protect your relationship. Below are a few things that you can try to help the situation.

False Accusation
  • Prove Your Innocence

First things first, allegations related to sexual assault and misconduct are quite severe. It is important that you work with a sex crimes attorney as soon as possible to protect yourself from some such baseless blame. The attorney can help collect the evidence and witnesses to prove your innocence in court. Taking early steps will also ensure that your mental health stays in check. An attorney can also guide you and your partner about the things you should and should not say in court to help you win the case.

Once you are proven innocent, the chances of your partner feeling suspicious or doubting you will be eliminated. As a result, it will help save your relationship by improving your partner’s trust.

  • Communicate With Your Partner

When things are not going as planned, especially in a relationship, many people start to drift apart. To avoid such a situation, you and your partner must communicate with each other about all the distressing things. Yes, it will surely be difficult to talk about uncomfortable or existing situations. But, not resolving them will affect your bond and may lead to insecurities, anger issues, unnecessary arguments, and more. All these are red flags of a relationship.

Talking about one subject matter at a time will help remove these red flags slowly but surely. You can also use different methods to bring this topic to discussion. Such as playing a game of truth and dare or picking chits. Not to forget, when you know the things affecting your bond, you can take appropriate measures to resolve them. 

  • Seek Professional Help

Speaking of the obvious, false allegations can leave a tremendous impact on your mental health. There is a possibility that you are not comfortable talking about the things that are bothering you with your partner or even friends. In such a situation, you must seek professional help by visiting a therapist. They can help you feel better by suggesting appropriate treatment for your health condition.

Likewise, if the problems in your relationships are not resolved after communication, you both can go for couple therapy. The professionals can help understand the main concern of your bond and provide solutions that can help you both get close and rework your bond.

  • Do Not Get Trapped In “Innocent Guilt”

It is quite common for people who are wrongfully accused of an act to self-doubt and go on the journey of guilt trip even if they are innocent. It is generally because they never imagined experiencing such a situation that is likely to affect their relationship and personal life. This is referred to as “innocent guilt.”

In such a situation, you must remind yourself about the truth and stick to it. Do not distance yourself from your partner because of overthinking and anxiousness. Instead, you must spend more time with them and ask for reassurance. When you have the love of your life by your side, it will become easier to deal with negative emotions.

Nevertheless, make sure to express your gratitude and appreciation to your partner for their selfless gestures. The more freely and honestly you express your true feelings, the easier it will be for you to rebuild your relationship. You can also consider going for dates to reconnect with your partner and show them appreciation.

Wrapping It All Up

External factors such as false sexual assault allegations can ruin a perfect relationship if you do not take timely action. You must communicate the things bothering you with your partner and seek professional help if it’s affecting your mental health. Understand that it is important to fight against false allegations with the help of an attorney, as it will help rebuild trust in your relationship.

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