Mia Turns 3 – The Party!
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Mia, you turned 3 on May 1st and we are still struggling to believe that you’re not a baby anymore! You will, of course, always be our baby but you are becoming more independent every day and you need us for very different things now. For your past 2 birthdays, we have had small family parties at home but as your now at Preschool, me and Daddy decided to throw you a proper big-girl birthday party and as you loved your 1st ever friends party at the local leisure centre, we decided to hold it at the same place! You have been at Preschool since November and you are such a sociable little girl that we invited 11 of your friends from Preschool as well as your 2nd cousin and my best friends little girl. Mia Turns 3!

We spent a while wondering what to actually do at your party but decided to hire out the room with the massive Mouse Trap inflatable as you are just finding your feet with bouncy castles and soft play. You are such an inquisitive child but cautious too and as me and Daddy are 1st timers at all of this, it means you are a bit late at experiencing things you should have a year or so ago!
Your Disney Princess Party!
You helped me create your birthday cake over 3 days before your birthday and you filled the Disney Princess Pinata and party bags with lots of treats for your friends (You can read about our choice of party bags in my Favour Fairy post & Party Pack post). You were so excited and it meant we were filled with the same excitement as the day grew closer. We put you in a beautiful pink dress and popped a pink clip in your hair and you looked so grown up, I could have cried!

Your party was amazing and I don’t think I saw you at all as you were off with your friends; running, bouncing and sliding around the huge inflatable! You came up to me once during the party to rub my legs in a confused way as it’s the first time you have ever seen me in tights! It’s the first time we have seen you playing with other children as you are an only child and we don’t really have any friends with children so we were so proud of the way you play and talk with other children! It was a great day and passed far too quickly for our liking!

So… now you are 3! We are so proud of the beautiful, funny, intelligent little girl you are and can’t wait to see you grow even more as a little person. You continue to amaze us with how you take things in your stride and love the fact you aren’t afraid to speak your mind! You are so like your Daddy!
Love Mummy and Daddy xx

Honest Mum
What an epic cake and party! Happy Birthday beautiful Mia! Well done Mama x
Thank you!! Just got to do it all again this year now! 🙂
Ahhh happy birthday beautiful. My little girl is turning three next month. Doesn’t it go way too fast?? I can’t believe it. What a fun age though for them learning and exploring everyday. Thanks for linking up to Share WIth Me. I hope you will continue to link up when Mummy Fever takes over SWM on June1st. She is an amazing blogger and great blog supporter too. #sharewithme
Aww bless her! It does go fast doesn’t it and Mia is our only one so I’m trying desperately to savour every moment! 🙂
Mummy Fever
How lovely – hope your little princess had a wonderful day. What a wonderful cake. Thanks for linking to #sharewithme
Thanks so much! Mia had an amazing time and the cake was a success in the end despite my worries! Good luck with your light sabre cake #twitter 🙂