Smart Will: The Smart Way to Write Your Will
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Death. I know, I know. It’s a difficult subject to write about let alone talk about but we do need to. I had never really thought about death until my beloved grandad died about 8 years now. I remember at the time that he had a will, and this made sorting out his belongings and carrying out his wishes far easier than it could have been. I haven’t ever really thought of writing a will. When you’re young and you don’t have any responsibilities, to write your will doesn’t tend to be something you really think about.

When we had Mia, we said we probably should start thinking about who would look after her if the worst was to happen to both Mario and me. But if I’m honest, we never got around to actually taking it any further. Then Lottie came and again we had the conversation about writing our wills. But a mixture of money and Mario being away all the time, meant we still never got around to it.
I have always thought writing a will and making it ‘legal’ was a complicated and expensive process, but I was wrong. I also thought that due to the fact we don’t really have much in the way of processions to pass on to our children, or a house of our own yet, I wouldn’t really have anything to put in it. But I was wrong.
Writing a will isn’t just about who you are leaving your worldly processions to, it’s an important way of making sure your family don’t have to worry about ‘doing the right thing’ when it comes to your children and your own funeral wishes.

We have been using a fab app called Smart Will to help us to write our wills. With us all using smartphones and apps to run our everyday lives, it makes sense to use an app to do this too! It’s convenient, always on my phone, and I can login and see my details whenever I want or need to.
Smart Will have created an app that not only helps you write your own single will or a mirror will with your partner/spouse but also posts a copy of your will out for you to physically keep safe and also keeps a copy electronically using certified safe storage.

The app itself is really simple to use and took me about 10 minutes to complete. Each step is broken down clearly so that you can input all of the information you wish to. You can appoint Executors, specify processions or money you would like to leave to specific people, and you can even record a video message for your loved ones which is a really lovely touch. Although the app is detailed in its questions (to ensure you input everything you need), it’s all explained simply as you go along, with help sections if you need them.
I have never had a conversation with my family about who would take care of the girls if something happened to Mario and me. I just haven’t. But who would look after them, who would take care of them and do all the things that we do with them? As parents, we do everything we can to protect our children, but if we aren’t here, we need to make sure that we have someone to become their guardians. This is an easy decision for us as my mum and stepdad would take over as well as my younger sister and her partner, but we have never actually spoken to them about it. Have you made any plans for your children? With Smart Will you can add guardian information quickly and easily so that at one glance, your family know what they should do should they need to.
You can also add your funeral wishes which is something I had thought about but not actually written down. I have spoken to Mario about what I would like however I’m not sure he would remember details at such a difficult time, if it were to happen. I know I wouldn’t remember his! You can add music, funeral preferences and any other requests can be noted down to such as specific flowers or charities to donate to. Again, this takes the stress and worry away from friends and family at one of the worst times anyone can go through.
Smart Will has taken the stress and time out of writing a will. It’s something I know we should have done a long time ago, but we just didn’t. The app is simple and easy to use, very user friendly, and provides a modern solution to creating your will. It literally took me 10 minutes! With free updates for life, it’s also really simple to update when and if family circumstances change. I have to say, I feel much happier and a bit relieved that mine and Mario’s wishes have been written down and our families don’t have the stress of dealing with details when they won’t want to. With prices starting at just £79, you would be silly not to get it sorted today!
Have you taken the time to write your will?
If not, what’s the main thing that’s stopping you?