The Signs That You’re Ready to Move to a New Home
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It can be tricky to know when is the best time to move onto pastures new and find a new home to live in. The whole moving process from finding somewhere else, to packing up your things and moving can be a long process that does take a lot of effort. So you need to assess if moving at this point in time is going to be worth it for you. Are you going to be giving up something good when there isn’t really a reason to?
Signs That You’re Ready to Move
When you break it down, you need to remember that your home needs to be a haven for you and your family, whatever shape or size that looks like. You will want to feel safe, and have peace of mind that you are in a healthy space that is claustrophobic or filling you with dread. If the new year is leaving you with questions around moving, then now could be the time to make a change. Here are some of the signs that could show you that you are ready to put the house for sale and move to somewhere new. It would be great to hear which resonate with you, and if you have a move planned this year.
Too big or too small
If your home starts to feel too small, or even starts to feel too big, then it is an indicator that it is time to move. Perhaps you will be looking to downsize, as your current home has outgrown your needs. Children might have grown and flown the nest, so now you want something that will take a little less maintenance, and it feels too big with just you and your partner there. Your home could easily start to feel too small. With a growing family, or perhaps a growing business that you run from home, you could need the extra space for storage, an office, a spare room, or want to get a bigger garden. If these things constantly nag at you, a feeling of it being too small or too little, then now is the time to make some changes.
Browsing homes becomes a hobby
It can be interesting to see what is for sale in your local area, as there is a certain level of intrigue to that. But if looking at property websites is becoming something that happens more often than not, and you have your perfect location plotted and sorted, then it is pretty much a sign that you are ready to move.
Jobs that you don’t want to do
Sometimes you can just fall out of love with your current home, and even if there is work that needs to be done, you just don’t want to have to do it. If there are some DIY jobs that come up that need to be done, but you just don’t want to do them and can’t be bothered with them, then it is a sign that you’re ready to move on. When you feel excited about a home and want to take steps to improve it, then that is a really positive thing.
Tense neighbour relationships
Unless you live in a remote location or in a farmhouse in a field, you will have neighbours. Some can live a little closer than others, but they are still people that you need to get along with. If things start to become a little tense, and they are hard to live next to, then it could be a sign that you should move on. Life is hard enough, without having to hate where you live because the neighbours are unbearable and they don’t make changes after polite requests to do so. It is hard when it is that way, but don’t suffer if you don’t have to.
Lack of storage space
We can all declutter our homes like Marie Kondo, but there can still be a lack of space in a home. No matter your situation, from having an expanding family or being a single person, there is always going to be the need of more storage. If your home is currently really lacking, and there are literally no other options to expand or renovate to create more storage, then moving home could definitely be on the cards.
Shorter commute goals
You might have loved the location of your home when you first went there. But then you might have changed jobs and moved to a whole new office. The commute could be pretty long, and although it is bearable, you might start to crave a shorter commute. Having a shorter commute can lead to a better work and life balance too, so if you want to live closer to work, then it is a good indicator that you are ready to move home.
Plans to extend have been rejected
There is a phrase saying that you don’t need to move, you just need to improve. But this doesn’t always work out. The home might have already had a loft conversion or a single storey extension, so there isn’t much else left to do. You could also have applied for planning permissions to extend the home but had that rejected. If that is the case, and you’re feeling quite disheartened, then moving onto somewhere that you can improve is often a good choice.
You spend more time not at home than at home
One of the final things to look at is just how much time you spend at home. If you find that you are spending way less time at home, because you don’t really want to be there and prefer to be in other homes, then it shows you’ve fallen out of love with your home. When this is the case, moving is going to be the way to get that spark back again.
Although moving can be a long process, and can take some planning and organising to get right, when done for the right reasons, it can feel like a blessing, rather than a curse. There can be many signs that you’re ready to move but it can be sometimes hard to spot them!
Did you know when you the Signs That You’re Ready to Move?
