Woodland Hedgehugs Activity Book – Get Children Interested in the Outdoors!
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As a Boolino Friend, we got the opportunity to read some lovely story books. We were asked if we would like to read the brand new book in the Woodland Hedgehugs series; a series of books about 2 little hedgehogs called Horrace and Hattie who go on some amazing adventures together. This book is slightly different in that it is an Activity Book filled with lots of fun things to do and look out for while you’re having your own little adventures!

The Woodland Hedgehugs Activity Book is packed full of activities inspired by Horrace and Hattie’s own adventures. Each page has something new to look out for, with smells, and sounds to hear. But it’s not just for when you’re out and about, there are plenty of things to make and do indoors too! The book is also filled with fun nature facts so your child will learn all about their environment while doing something fun.
The activity book is aimed at children aged 5-8 however younger children will manage just fine with a little help. Mia absolutely loves being outside and was so excited when Daddy said he would take her out to the local park and into the woods. She had a shoe box ready to collect all her things in and off they went!
I had a quick read through the book before they went off so I could tell Daddy what to look out for on their adventures. Mia wasn’t keen on searching for insects but once she realised we weren’t asking her to actually pick them up, she was a bit happier! The book takes you on an adventure through the forest, with lots of things to see and do.

One of the things Mia likes to do when she’s out is collect leaves and one of the activities in the book is to collect different coloured leaves so Mia was in her element! She was disappointed she didn’t spot any animal tracks but there were plenty of footprints around! Mia completed 3 of the woodland challenges; playing in leaves, playing hide and seek, and also hugging a tree. With everything from leaf printing and bark rubbing to making loo roll creatures and pine cone pricklies, there is something to do even when it’s raining outside!

The Woodland Hedgehugs Activity Book gave Mia a nice focus while exploring the forest and she really enjoyed running around spotting things and finding ‘treasure’! We could have done with a pocket-sized version of the book to take out with us on the walk with maybe a pencil attached to it as it would be easier to take with us. Priced at £5.99 it’s a great book for little ones to explore nature and Mia certainly enjoyed herself!