Baby Cakes – A New Change in Direction
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Some of you will remember my post a while ago about my little side business that runs alongside my blog. To give you a quick bit of background, Baby Cakes was set up as a personalised, homemade baby business when I was pregnant with Mia. It came about after seeing some gorgeous baby sock cupcakes at a local handmade fair. I have done a few bits and bobs with it over the years but nothing major until I decided recently to give it a bit of a well needed shake up and change in direction!
Change in Direction
We have dropped a couple of handmade items that were proving difficult to send out to customers and this is something that is obviously hugely important! All the time and effort it takes to handmake each item is ruined by the item arriving at its destination looking a bit worse for wear! We were a bit stuck for options so decided to stop producing them.
So, with that in mind, we have added some brand-new products that are proving popular already and I wanted to introduce you to them today. Slogan t-shirts and sweatshirts have become really popular in recent years and they aren’t something I ever fancied myself until I was watching a Christmas Market online last year and actually purchased one myself. I absolutely love it, wearing the t-shirt at least once a week so I decided to have a go at the ‘slogan’ market myself!
After a couple of months of planning, I finally decided on some slogans, some clothing colours and added them to the shop! So, you can now buy t-shirts, sweatshirts and hoodies with slogans such as; ‘I am enough’ and ‘Never Underestimate a mummy running on empty!’ Each item is geared towards busy mums and how life is perfectly imperfect.
If there’s anything you would love to see added to the clothing collection, let me know what you think of our change in direction!

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