Creating and Looking After Your Healthy Post Natal Body
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You may remember my last post about Healthy Post Natal Body Review. I did a quick halfway through update a few months ago but I thought I would give you an update on how I got on at the end of the programme!

First a quick bit about the programme itself. Healthy Post Natal Body was founded to help mums, like me, to become more confident in their bodies by giving them fitness plans and advice to get their health back! It doesn’t focus on weight loss or getting your ‘pre baby’ body back. Its instead all about achieving a healthy body and feeling confident yourself after having a baby. This really appealed to me as I don’t think it’s healthy for a woman to constantly be trying to get back to pre-baby weight or looks, you have had a baby for goodness sake! It’s going to have some sort of impact on you!
The programme consists of 16 weeks of gradually increasing workouts. The idea is that you do 5 home workouts a week with 1 being a strength session. The workouts last no longer than 10 minutes so you can fit them into your busy day and the workouts get increasingly harder as you go through the weeks.
I didn’t weigh myself at the start of the programme as this wasn’t the aim for me. I wanted to feel stronger and happier in my body more than anything else (although weight loss and smaller dress size would be amazing!). As I came to the end of the 1st month, Coronavirus was just starting to hit, and I will be completely honest here and say I completely gave up working out! Fitness just wasn’t a priority and all of a sudden, I was about to have Mario working from home and then Mia no longer going to school! I found it really difficult to fit in the fitness sessions alongside keeping Lottie entertained and getting Mia to do her schoolwork (still an ongoing battle!).
I restarted the Healthy Post Natal Body programme from the start again last month so although I have started it all again, I thought I would still give you an update as to how it’s going and what I’m finding a second time. Along with so many other people at the moment, I’m snacking more but still managing to eat well so alongside picking up the fitness routines again, I have been able to maintain my weight and not pile on the pounds. Lockdown has given me a newfound confidence and I’m feeling so much better in myself. I will continue to work on my fitness levels and the programme is great for me to do each day.

The workouts are easy to fit into my day and are the ideal length of time to make time for. The kids enjoy doing them with me which is really great as they are entertained for 10 minutes and doing something fun too! Now that I’m used to the YouTube demonstrations of each exercise, it is less stop-start than I found at the very beginning and I memorise each one so that I can get on and do it each day. We pop a workout Spotify playlist on and off we all go!
The Healthy Post Natal Body programme is £8 a month so it doesn’t feel like you are breaking the bank and you don’t need any special equipment (I found resistance bands helpful but these are cheap enough to buy on Amazon!) so you can literally get started straight away! I’m looking forward to continuing the programme over the next few months and seeing the progress that I make!
Have your workouts changed during lockdown?

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