Forza ‘Shake It Slim’ Meal Replacement
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Disclaimer: I was given a product/service in return for my honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own and not influenced by the company in anyway.
As many of you will know, just before Christmas 2015 I decided that it was time to kick-start some kind of exercise regime into my days and as someone who doesn’t diet (see the post I wrote about them here!) I was keen on finding out about the reasons we all decide to diet and exercise and just how easy they are to continue after the programme ends or for any length of time. I have worked with various diet brands recently and last week was the turn of Forza! Forza were kind enough to send me a week’s supply of their meal replacement shakes ‘Shake It Slim’ in return for doing this review. Forza have been around since 2007 and are most well-known for being the first company to design and produce T5 legally in the UK. As well as their successful T5 diet supplements; they have developed, exclusively for Boots and with celebrity endorsement, the ‘Shake It Slim’ meal replacement diet. This diet consists of 3 different flavoured shakes which replace 2 meals a day for weight loss or 1 meal a day for weight maintenance.

I decided that I would try replacing 2 meals a day with a shake so as to lose weight and I did this for 3 days, however I soon realised I couldn’t keep it up for the week as I was SO hungry! The ‘Shake It Slim’ shakes themselves are high in protein and various vitamins and so are designed to fill you up for longer, taking away the hunger. I did find them really filling after I had them but psychologically, not actually eating a meal meant that I was soon hungry and craving actual food. After 3 days, I decided that as I had proved it really does help you lose weight (I lost 4lbs straight away!) I would see if you could maintain your weight by having just 1 shake a day. As someone who dislikes sweet drinks such as milkshakes, I was worried about how these would taste. I was pleasantly surprised in that the shakes themselves taste like you would want them to, the vanilla shake is vanilla, the chocolate shake is chocolate and the strawberry shake is, you guessed it, strawberry! I found the strawberry a bit too sweet for me so I wouldn’t have that one again but its personal preference and I actually thought the other 2 flavours were really nice.
Forza ‘Shake It Slim’ shakes are really easy to make up. You can either shake the sachet of powder into 250-300ml of water in a bottle or stir the two together in a normal mug. Forza kindly sent me a shaker bottle with the sachet’s so I was able to try this out. I found the powder really quick and easy to mix up. I got some powder residue on the bottom of the bottle but not a lot and I think this is completely normal. I also hate lumps in liquids, whether it is a soup or a milkshake however these shakes are completely smooth, there were no lumps or bits at all! Each sachet contains 204 calories and all of the nutritional information is clearly stated on each sachet.
I really like keeping a daily food diary and I was able to keep this up as the ‘Shake It Slim’ range is already linked with MyFitnessPal (the app I already use) which was great as all I needed to do was scan the shake sachet bar code and all of the information was added to my daily diary. The only thing I wasn’t sure about was what to have as my main meal each day, there isn’t a lot of information on the Forza website but when I contacted them to ask, they said to make it a balanced meal of something like chicken and vegetables. I would have liked a bit more information and maybe some meal recipes as I wasn’t 100% sure I was cooking the right things. I also like to know how many calories I can consume a day and I normally consume 1500 so after the initial 3 days of having 2 shakes a day, I made sure I had 1 shake and no more than 1500 calories each day.
I was pleasantly surprised with the Forza ‘Shake It Slim’ shakes and I would be willing to try them out for longer. A 7 day supply is currently £25.99 but there is an offer on at the moment. There is free delivery on orders over £25 otherwise its £3.99 recorded 48hr delivery. The protein shaker bottle is also £4.95. The price of these meal replacement shakes is really good, ideal for someone who wants to lose a few lbs before an event or a holiday and doesn’t want to spend a fortune. It definitely works and it’s really easy to do!
I have also vlogged about my Forza ‘Shake It Slim’ experience here:

Health Derive
Very informative and impressive post you have shared here. This is quite interesting and I have gone through it completely.
Becky Clark
I’m so bad at dieting! I have no willpower and I wouldn’t last two minutes on a shake diet. By 3pm I’d literally be scoffing the entire contents of the fridge! You did really well to last as long as you did. Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next time.
I wouldn’t do it again I have to say! 🙂
Life as Mum
Sounds great! I hope the results were good for you! I’m not quite sure how I’d be with shakes! #kcacols
I’m not great and I wouldn’t do it now but I did enjoy testing myself! 🙂
Barrie Bismark
I’ve never had good luck with these types of shakes. Always looking to try new ones! Thanks for the review.
Me neither, these were ok! 🙂
Fiona Cambouropoulos
I used to be the buyer for these at Tesco years ago and tried a few samples. I’m sure they have improved over the years, the brands we stocked them were pretty grim! #KCACOLS
Yeah they can be cant they! I was impressed with this and it definitely works short-term but I love my food too much to do it for any longer! 🙂
G Rix
I purchased these shakes but when I read the info on the box was appalled at the high level of dextrose, which must be very bad for blood sugar levels. I’m putting this product in the trash can
Thank you for your comments, its not for everyone I agree 🙂
Thanks for linking up with #TriedTested this week x
Do thay have caffeine in them as I can not have itx
Thanks for your comment, as far as I’m aware these shakes do not have Caffeine in them. There is no mention of caffeine so I would assume its not included in the recipe 🙂
tracey bowden
I loved the shake it slim shakes when I tried them and got great rwesults but I too found I was very hungry. That being said I am actually looking a buying them again to kick start my diet again #triedtested
Yes I found them to be great on a short term basis but I couldn’t do it for longer then a couple of weeks! 🙂
I’m always looking for ways to loose weight and have tried numerous shakes etc, but I find they give me wind! Haha! Hubby isn’t too pleased when I’m on the shakes and I don’t blame him! Hope they work for you.
Oh me too! I really don’t like not cooking for all of us and find it really odd when I’m not cooking but I did enjoy trying these out for a week and I did lose weight 🙂
Looks like a really good aid to help people lose weight allthough seem a little expensive great review Thanks for linking to the #binkylinky
Yes as always, these kinds of diets are pricey! You definitely wouldn’t want to do them for long! 🙂