Gender Reveal – We are Having a ….
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Hi everyone! Just a quick update on how we are getting on! We went for our 20 week scan on Tuesday and as Mario works away now he couldn’t come so my mum, sister and Mia came with me this time. Mario and I went for a Window to the Womb scan last week so we already knew what we are having but we kept it a secret from everyone for a whole week! So here is our Gender Reveal!

I was really impressed with the scan we had and I don’t remember it being so amazing when we went for Mia’s 20 week scan! The level of detail was incredible and usually all scans look the same to me but this one was very different! I was so relieved so see everything is perfect with baby and they are measuring absolutely perfectly where they should be. My bump is very small still (I haven’t even bought maternity clothes yet!) so I was getting a bit anxious over the last week or so but I shouldn’t have worried! I’m smaller at this point than I was with Mia but as everything is fine, it doesn’t matter!
So onto the best bit…. I thought it might be a boy this time and Mia has just started coming round to the idea of it being a baby brother however my mum and sister thought it was a girl so we weren’t sure at all! We can now reveal that we are indeed having ….. a GIRL!! A little baby sister for Mia and we are over the moon! It’s so exciting as we can reuse Mia’s baby clothes and baby things without having to buy lots of new things! So that’s it, keep checking the blog for more bump updates as the months literally fly past and in January 2018 we will be welcoming our baby girl into the world!