Fitness posts full of information on ways to keep fit, ways to maintain your weight, tips to lose weight, and healthy eating recipes!
Diet Plan Comparison Vlog
This video is all about my reasons for wanting to look into dieting and the effects that diets have on us and our daily lives. One of the most interesting things I find about diets is how short term they are…
Clean Eating with Everdine
Update: Everdine are no longer trading as of 2018 We have recently been trying out some meal prep boxes as a simpler way to clean eating without me needing to cook from scratch twice every evening. Last month we tried out…
Adam Newman Fitness 6 week Lean ladies Programme
You must all know by now that I’m really into my fitness and have been for over a year. After managing to lose 1.5st myself just doing home workouts and changing my eating habits, I’m always on the lookout for the…
Weight Loss Post #11 – Weight Loss Feature
Hi Everyone and Welcome to my weight loss post #11! So this month has been more than a little hectic, not only was it Christmas and New Year but also we moved house between the 2 so it has been a…
TomTom Touch Fitness Tracker
I have tried out quite a few fitness trackers over the last year and whilst my favourite has to be the TomTom Spark, I still wear my trusty 3-year-old Fitbit Flex so when I was offered the brand spanking new TomTom…
Taking Part in a Mo Running Charity Event
We are quite ‘into’ our fitness at the moment so when we were approached to see if we were interested in promoting awareness for the Movember Foundation and taking part in a 10k Mo Running event near us to raise some much-needed…
The Body Confidence Program Final Results
Those of you following me on my weight-loss journey/personal challenge will know that I have just completed my 8 weeks following the Body Confidence Program. I have written an intro and midway update and now I will be letting you know exactly…
Diet Plan Comparison
Hi everyone! I thought I would do a bit of an update now that it’s been 8 months since I started my weight loss challenge/journey. It’s been up and down, I’m not going to lie and I have learnt an awful lot…
Wearable Tech Comparison
Ok, let’s get it out there….I LOVE fitness trackers! I have had a slight obsession with them since I ‘borrowed’ Mario’s Fitbit over 2 years ago and I have been recording my daily movements, sleep and eating habits ever since! Over the…
Weight Loss Post #10 – Weight Loss Feature
Hi everyone and welcome to my weight loss post #10! Sorry, I have been AWOL for the past week or so as I managed to catch a horrid virus which absolutely floored me for a good few days! I’m not ill…
Weight Loss Post #9 – Weight Loss Feature
Hi everyone and welcome to my weight loss post #9! So I’m just coming up to the end of week 4 of my EM Fitness 12 Week Weight Loss Plan. I have had a really good week and been keeping up…